
PTL Profile: DJ Rob Fresh

I’ve always been an industry kid; one of my earliest memories was hanging out backstage with my mom at a Beastie Boys concert in San Francisco. But the music bug didn’t bite me until I was in the 6th grade and saw my Uncle on three turntables and I was like “oh I got to try that”.  Just liked that I was hooked. My Mother, Barbara Lewis was the Southwest Regional Rep for Columbia Records who understood the music bug I had been bit by & encouraged me to pursue this new hobby so I started practicing.  Meeting & watching different DJs who took the time to teach me I eventually started booking gigs. Before I knew it, my hobby had turned into a career.

At 17 I had finally morphed into DJ Rob Fresh. Mike Bernardo, the National Director from Columbia Records hired me to DJ for LL Cool J on the River Boat Natchez. This is around the same time Ron Atkins gave me my first radio gig on WYLD-FM in New Orleans, which opened many coast to coast djing opportunities for me and probably ruined any chance of me holding down a nine to five. This has held true as I currently work in the Production Department and as event DJ for IHeartMedia New Orleans.

When celebrities and record reps come to the station, oh they know my mama, LOL.  She is truly a respected legend among her peers and if I could measure up to half of that, I’ll be alright.  My ultimate goal is naturally to keep djing but to also diversify and own a production studio. Over decades in this music life I’ve learned you’re only as good as your last performance, so you have to stay up on your game.   Follow me on IG @robfresh504 and on Twitter @djrobfresh504.

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